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Time To Act!

“Forget everything you think you know about global warming. The really inconvenient truth is that it’s not about carbon—it’s about Capitalism. The convenient truth is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better.”

Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything

Time is running out. Climate Change is happening and without a serious global plan to replace our profit driven, fossil fuelled economy our very existence as a species is threatened this century.

But the Climate Crisis is not just a threat but an opportunity to chart a different course, one that shifts the Economy away from Capitalism to one that is more just, democratic and resilient that we all can share.

2015 is a crucial year for the climate. In December, governments will come together in Paris at the COP21 UN Climate Summit to strike a new deal for the climate – we must make our voices heard, we know that they will not act unless we make them and we can no longer accept more of the same.

We want your Posters and Memes for the Movement to use as an Agit-Prop Army of images to bolster the campaign on the streets of Paris in December and on the walls of social media throughout the year.

See the work already submitted. Upload your work on our Time To Act gallery page or send your artwork to cop21@occupydesign.org.uk

More inspiration, research, homes of rebel graphics and climate info:
Campaign Against Climate Change
Beautiful Solutions
Beautiful Trouble
This Changes Everything – Naomi Klein’s blog
Occupy Design Graphics Archive
The Occupied Times
Strike Magazine

Top image from Milton Glaser’s Its not warming project.

2 Responses to “Time To Act!”

  1. […] For more details, check out Occupy Design UK’s website here. […]

  2. […] Occupy Design UK’s call for Crisis Graphics. […]

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