Propagate Workshop – Stop the Housing Crisis!

Enough with pre-printed posters and standard banners! It’s time to make housing protest creative and fun!
Occupy Design Workshop at Camberwell College of Arts

We were invited to hold a ‘Distribution’ workshop with Graphic Design students at Camberwell College of Arts, London. We asked the students to produce images and slogans that addressed and challenged three themes of Austerity: Student Debt, Privatised Healthcare and Housing. Introducing the workshop working on ideas creating initial visuals, and here are some […]
Time For Action?

The Talking Shop is a new initative designed to build solidarity and action against the huge changes that threaten to wreck art and design education in this country.
Occupy Design Launch Weekend Venue Change

Because of court action our venue for the launch has had to change from The Bank Of Ideas, we hope they’ll be back soon